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The 1st Mediterranean Congress of Antiageing Medicine

The Cyprus National Gerontology Center and the European Society for Preventive and Antiageing Medicine (ESAAM), in collaboration with the Larnaca Medical Association, organized for the first time in Cyprus the Mediterranean Anti-Aging Congress with a broad theme on aging and the health of older people. There was a multidisciplinary approach to delivering effective treatments against age-related diseases. The Conference took place in Larnaca on April 13 and 14, 2019, at the Palm Beach Hotel, under the auspices of the Minister of Health, Mr. Constantinos Ioannou. The President of the Conference was the Gerontologist Dr. Marios Kyriazis.
The conference covered both basic sciences and clinical treatments. It brought together world-renowned scientists and academics working in the biology of aging. Clinical practitioners, nurses, carers, health professionals, and others interested in applied and effective interventions that can help reduce the effects of aging were also be involved.

The newly established National Gerontology Center in Cyprus intends to develop an appropriate vision for achieving excellence in the field of physical and mental health of the elderly. It is also a specialized contact point for government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) related to the health of the elderly and coordinates their goals and actions.

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The Indispensable Soma Hypothesis, the Law of Requisite Usefulness, the Noeme, and all other material here are creations of Dr Marios Kyriazis. Copyright reserved 2016. This material may be reproduced anywhere as long as it is fully attributed to Marios Kyriazis or to this website. Some people just copy and paste my material to their own websites without proper attribution (I have examples!). This is not nice. If the material or idea is not yours, say so, and say who the author is. If you agree or disagree with something mentioned here and you want to discuss it, please contact me. 

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